Located at 9114 Bayford Road, Weirwood,VA 23413 Campbell Airfield
The most amazing place on the Eastern Shore to fly! Plan on an awesome time flying from here. The ocean and the Chesapeake Bay are both within 2 miles of the field.
Plenty of room for RVs (No RV Hookups) and Tents – or, plenty of hotels nearby.
There is typically a large tent with picnic tables on the flying side and a shower/restroom available on the hanger side.
No Fee: However if you do wish to eat from the contributed food stuffs that we bbq and create, please bring stuff to contribute as well. Of course, you can do your own thing as an option too. Grocery stores within 3 miles.
We always appreciate charcoal for the grill and a couple of pieces of firewood for the campfire.
There are 2 grass runways..A North-South & and East-West.See less