Return to the incident list: Incident List Pilot induced pitch oscillations PPG Type: Type of Injury:

Pilot Details

Age: 35 Weight: 160 Gender: Highest rating held at the time of the incident: Pilot experience level:

Gear Details

Wing Brand: Model: AFNOR Standard beginner wing Size: Paramotor Frame: n/r with

Incident Details

April 12, 2006 Location of the incident: , Type of Incident:

The pilot had just purchased a new motor although he had several hours of time flying the same model and engine. He was used to flying with the trimmers set to about half and, on this flight, set them to slow. He was doing a low fly-by, cruising by at 10 feet when he throttled up to full. He swung well out in front of the wing, feared that he was going to stall, and reduced power. Seeing the ground rushing up after the wing surged, he throttled up quickly and swung forward again then up and in front of the wing. This continued through 4 or more oscillations while his heading drifted to crosswind. Eventually, he hit the ground and wound up with a hairline fracture in a leg bone. He stated that he thought the wing was stalling when it went way back which is why he let off the power.

Flight Window: Wind Speed: Type: Phase of Flight: Type of Injury: Collateral Damage: Analysis of the incident (additional input by the incident investigation team): Photos (if available):

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