Return to the incident list: Incident List Engine-Out During Cruise PPG Type: Type of Injury:

Pilot Details

Age: 49 Weight: 260 Gender: Highest rating held at the time of the incident: Pilot experience level:

Gear Details

Wing Brand: Model: Apco/Thrust XL 1-2 CEN/AFNOR STANDARD Size: Paramotor Frame: WalkerjetRR/Trike/HighEnergySports440Res420lb.all-up with

Incident Details

July 11, 2007 Location of the incident: , Type of Incident:

After pre-flight and motor run-up,launch was smooth and near effortless w/trike.Upon reaching 350’agl I cruised the area and was preparing to take a XC flight of about 25 miles when the engine suddenly died. I gave some brake to prevent wing surge and scouted the area for a sweet place to land. A freshly baled wheat field was the target! I made a smooth 90 turn and landed without incident.On the ground I went to start the motor but 1st primed the carb. and noticed gas shooting from fuel line..Sweet,no motor problems!Just some fuel line repairs! Always fly within a safe landing area!You just never know when things could happen!

Flight Window: Wind Speed: Type: Phase of Flight: Type of Injury: Collateral Damage: Analysis of the incident (additional input by the incident investigation team): Photos (if available):

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