Return to the incident list: Incident List Failure to connect leg straps PPG Type: Type of Injury:

Pilot Details

Age: 55 Weight: 190 Gender: Highest rating held at the time of the incident: Pilot experience level:

Gear Details

Wing Brand: Model: Powerplay Sting 140 DHV 1/2 Size: Paramotor Frame: Fresh Breeze Simo with

Incident Details

April 1, 2008 Location of the incident: , Type of Incident:

After a day of short flights, I was going to join two other pilots for a short XC. In rush to take off so not to make other pilots wait, I failed to clip in leg and chest straps.

FB has very tight ground handling straps and under arm ‘comfort bars’, therefore when launching unit picked me up and I did not notice problem until attempting to get into seat. Was 50 ft high and climbing when I released right brake toggle and reached for kick in strap, which I could not reach. Released other brake and used both hands to try to push back of seat down, which also failed. Attempted to reach back up for brake toggles but was to far down in harness to reach them. Decided on emergency landing. Weight shift turned 270 degrees, back over field, into wind, loosing altitude and keeping pressure on comfort bars. Cut engine at 50 ft to avoid possible injury due to spinning propeller. Made very fast hard landing with no flare.

No injury. Damage to unit very slight bend in lower left frame member, almost unnoticeable.

Flight Window: Wind Speed: Type: Phase of Flight: Type of Injury: Collateral Damage: Analysis of the incident (additional input by the incident investigation team): Photos (if available):

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