Return to the incident list: Incident List Dust Devil Encounter PPG Type: Type of Injury:

Pilot Details

Age: 31 Weight: 220 Gender: Highest rating held at the time of the incident: Pilot experience level:

Gear Details

Wing Brand: Model: 2005 Edel Power Atlas Size Large Size: Paramotor Frame: Fresh Breeze Monster, half tank of fuel. with

Incident Details

April 4, 2010 Location of the incident: , Type of Incident:

A friend and I were flying around 4:30pm for about 10 minutes when we decided to land and wait for the air to get a little more calm. The winds weren’t gusting, but changing dirctions often. As 530pm came, the winds seemed to stabilize from the south at a light 3-5mph, light enough a forward launch was needed. I launched and was making large circles around the field checking the conditions, when I started playing with a soccer ball that had entertained our company and my son who were out watching us fly. I tried a couple times to pick the ball up, but was unseccessful. On my last attempt I powered up and climbed to about 25 feet heading straight into the wind according to the windsock we had placed. Just as I was about to make a right hand turn and return towards the field, something caught my attention moving on the ground, a tumbleweed doing circles on the ground moving from my right to left. It was reported to me afterwards that my wing suffered a collapse where the wing tips nearly touched, and while going down my right side was starting to re-inflate, which caused my left side of my body to impact ground first. I hit hard, and rolled to try and absorb some of the impact to the left. Laying me out on the ground laying on my left side, i tried to adjust so I could unhook from my motor, when I noticed my left foot was not moving with my left knee. My friend came to my rescue within moments and had 911 already on the phone, which proved very needed. My friend took care of all my gear bringing it back to his house, while I was transported by Ambulance to UNMH ER. Sunday evening I went into the ER, where they reset my bones, those drugs were cool. Moved to a room, I was scheduled for surgery hopefully Monday…but could wait till Wednesday. Monday morning I was whisked to the OR when they had an opening (Dont want to know why they had an opening) where I was knocked out for over a 2 1/2 hour surgery…and woke up later to have: 3 staples just below my knee 1 nail going down through my entire tibula 4 screws above my ankle holding screw in place wire or staples holing some foot bones in place. and numerous bottles of pain killers, stool softeners and blood clot preventers to take for a while. Joy. In the end there are many things I am very thankful for. Friends who both helped me out on the ground, with the care of my son, equipment, and got 911 coming quick. Friends who came to visit in the hospital and at my place. It is not known if the 25 ft fall/impact is what broke my bones, or if it was the falling and impact of my cage to the back of my legs that broke the bones. Altitude and good weather conditions is very important. Flying with someone in the event of an emergency who can call for help is also wise, as before this I usually would fly alone. More x-ray pictures to follow once I get them.

Flight Window: Wind Speed: Type: Phase of Flight: Type of Injury: Collateral Damage: Analysis of the incident (additional input by the incident investigation team): Photos (if available):

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