Instructor Administrators run clinics/training courses designed to help experienced PPG pilots to become Instructors and/or Tandem Instructors. They use the Instructor syllabus and Tandem Instructor syllabus as tools to help ensure that all USPPA instructors are teaching the same key topics and skills.
Instructor Administrators are expected to be able to take on their role without allowing personal or business interests and biases to get in the way of accomplishing the overall goals and mission of the USPPA. While administrators should screen potential instructor candidates for skills and knowledge they should never discriminate against a candidate simply based on business practices (For example, "I won't give you an instructor rating because then you'll be my competitor.")
Instructor Administrators are responsible for selecting competent Instructor Candidates who:
Instructor Administrators are expected to offer at least 1 instructor clinic per year that accepts any qualified applicant regardless of brand or school relationship.
*¹ Is there already an Instructor Administrator in your area? Is there a current need that is not being met? For example, you hope to offer Wheel Launch Instructor training because no one else is offering that in your area. That would be an example of filling a need.
*² Primary instructor means giving at least 90% of all the instruction to each student, including their first solo flight and testing for the PPG2 rating.
*³ Ratings can be USPPA, USHPA, or ratings from an equivalent organization (subject to approval by the training committee).
*4 Approval is not automatic, regardless of meeting the requirements. Read the following section "Are applications automatically approved?" to learn more
In addition to the requirements above, Instructor Administrators are also required to sign a commitment letter. You can see the commitment letter by clicking the link below...
All USPPA Instructor Administrators sign the following commitment letter.
I understand that the Instructor Administrator rating is the most important rating the USPPA offers. I recognize that Instructor Administrators are expected to be exemplary ambassadors for the sport and the USPPA.
As an Instructor Administrator, I commit to the following:
No. Approval is not automatic.
Even if a candidate meets all the requirements, there is still a possibility that the application may not receive final approval. The USPPA training committee considers several factors before issuing an Instructor Administrator rating. Criteria such as geographic location, proximity to other admins, specific skills, knowledge, qualifications, and candidate reputation are all taken into account along with other things.
Once an application has gone through the approval process, the candidate will be informed of whether or not the rating is approved. Whether approved or not, it's possible that no further explanation or reasoning will be provided by the committee.
If an application is not approved, the candidate is welcome to reapply after two years.