USPPA Instructor’s Clinic at the 2016 Endless Footdrag Fly-In
Chad Bastian will be offering a USPPA Instructor’s Clinic at the 2016 Endless Footdrag Fly-In on May 25-27, Wed-Fri. Candidates should have a PPG3 rating and have done at least 8-20 hours of Apprentice work with a USPPA Certified Instructor prior to the Clinic. A PPG3 rating can be administered concurrently with the Clinic for those who have the skills and requirements. For more information and registration, please look here:
- Published in Training Updates, Updates, USPPA Events
Endless Foot Drag 2015
We have one of the largest bermuda sod farms in the area, which offers soft green sod and allows unobstructed flying at it’s best. Check out Google Earth, Fort Smith, Arkansas (View the sod farm area, which is straight west of Fort Smith, between the city limits and the Arkansas River).
May 20th – 25th 2015
Ratings clinic—PPG 1-3
National PPG Competition
Fly-In fee: $35.00 for all Pilots
The Arkansas/Oklahoma Memorial Day Weekend Fly-In is an informal gathering of ONLY PG and PPG pilots/families.
A USPPA membership is required to attend this fly-in. Also, if you cannot provide proof of your PPG2 rating (or higher) you MUST enroll in the on-site ratings clinic. Not to worry, the fee is reimbursed upon completion.
Camping is available on-site.
A variety of fine dining and fast food restaurants are within 5-10 minutes from the flying area.
There are several hotel/motels located within a 5 mile radius of the sod farms. (and Fort Smith airport with airline service: AA and NWA flights)
More info:
- Published in USPPA Events